Menu for Hope

menuforhopelogo_4.jpgHere’s something worth noting this holiday season:  Menu for Hope is a project sponsored by food and wine bloggers, restaurants and others interested in ending hunger in the world.  It seems appropriate that those of us involved in the food and wine industries should sponsor an event such as this.  This is a “virtual” raffle project in that the tickets and sold and eventually chosen electronically.

This year, Menu for Hope III will endeavor to raise funds to support the UN World Food Programme.  Last year, Menu for Hope II raised $17,000 to help UNICEF.  

Food & wine bloggers, restaurants and other food related folks have donated raffle prizes.  We at Cima Collina are also donating a prize which is the following:

Rare Cima Collina Wine Package ($225 value)

This package includes 2 bottles of each of the following (and will also include shipping, if applicable):  2004 & 2005 “Chula Vina” Monterey County Chardonnay; 2004 Monterey County Pinot Noir; 2005 “Chula Vina” Pinot Noir.  These are all highly limited production wines direct from the winery!  The 2004 Chardonnay is sold out and received a rating of 91 and a “top value in California Chardonnay” mention in the Connoisseur’s Guide to California Wine.  The 2005 is just as tasty and is nearly sold out.  The 2004 Pinot received a score of 90 in Connoisseur’s Guide.  The 2005 Pinot was just released and is our first vineyard-designated Pinot Noir.
If you are interested in purchasing a raffle ticket for this prize (ID#WB25) see instructions below:
Here’s what you should do… 

1.   Go to the donation page

2.   Make a donation, each $10 will give you one raffle ticket toward a prize of your choice.  Please specify which prize or prizes you’d like in the ‘Personal Message’ section in the donation form when confirming your donation (for the Cima Collina package enter “WB25“).  Do tell us how many tickets per prize, and please use the prize code -for example, a donation of $50 can be 2 tickets for UW01 and 3 for UW02. 

3.   If your company matches your charity donation, please remember to check the box and fill in the information so we can claim the corporate match. 

4.   Please also check the box to allow us to see your email address so that we could contact you in case you win.  Your email address will not be shared with anyone. 

5.   Check back on Chez Pim on January 15 when we announce the result of the raffle.  (The drawing will be done electronically.  Our friend, the code wizard Derrick at Obsession with Food, is responsible for the wicked application that will do the job.

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